
Energías Renovables organizes solar thermal and solar PV summits

Energías Renovables will hold its first Solar Energy Summit in Madrid at the end of November. The purpose is clear: to spread, in a direct way, the great advantages of using the sun for meeting our energy needs, namely hot water, heating, cooling and electricity and the degree of development reached by these technologies. Industry professionals, professors and students, energy and environment department staff from the administrations, NGOs, concerned individuals, technicians or potential users... all of you are invited to take part in the summit, split in two days.

On the 21st of November, solar thermal will be on the agenda. Those who best know it will talk to us, such as Juan Fernández San José, Isofotón's marketing and communication Head and President of Spain's Solar Thermal Industry Association (ASIT); David Miquel, ecological Architect, author of key buildings such as Pamplona's Centro Nacional de las Energías Renovables (CENER); and Pep Puig, promoter of Barcelona's solar ordinance, Eurosolar's Vice-President and industry Analyst. The administrations will also be present: Cayetano Hernández, IDAE's Renewable Energy Director, or Enrique Belloso, from Sevilla's Energy Agency, will also speak at the summit.

On the 22nd of November, the subject will be solar PV energy. Javier Anta, President of the Solar PV Industry Association (ASIF) will depict the picture of the level of development reached by solar PV systems and their scope reached in Spain. Ermen Llobet (Ecotècnia Solar), Javier García Breva (Solynova and IDAE's former Director) and Enrique Alcor (Atersa) will also be speakers at the summit.
Additionally, José María González Vélez, President of the Renewable Energy Association (APPA) and Esteban Barroso, Head of Triodos Bank Spain, one of the first financial institutions that support this clean energy sources.

Indeed solar energy offers numerous advantages over conventional energy, since it is economical, clean and inexhaustible. Despite of those factors, its development is still limited in Spain. For this reason, in this summit we will also wonder what is slowing down its growth and what actions should be implemented for the sun -which is the greatest nuclear reactor and is available at no cost- takes the role that it deserves.

You can download the pdf brochure here:
– Jornada Solar Térmica (21 de noviembre de 2006)
– Jornada Solar Fotovoltaica (22 de noviembre de 2006)

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