Reuters Events

Dear reader,

To connect energy and industry, Reuters Events are excited to host Hydrogen 2022 (Amsterdam, June 8-9), gathering 350+ senior public and private sector leaders to scale-up the global hydrogen economy. It’s time to meet again and collaborate.

Download a copy of the event information pack to see the full list of speakers, agenda, and more.

Industry leading speakers for 2022 include:
•    Ana Quelhas, Managing Director – Hydrogen, EDP
•    Felipe Arbelaez, Senior Vice President, BP
•    Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
•    Dr Oliver Weinmann, Managing Director, Vattenfall Innovation
•    Lise Winther, SVP – Upstream Projects and Technologies, Yara Clean Ammonia
•    Camilla Palladino, EVP - Corporate Strategy & International Relations, Snam
•    Tomas Malango, Hydrogen Director, Repsol
•    Maria Sicilia, Strategy Director, Enagás
•    Belén Linares, Innovation Director, Acciona Energy

Build the hydrogen economy, key themes in the agenda:

•  Decarbonizing Hard-to-Abate Sectors - Hear from industrial off-takers from metals, mining, industrial uses, shipping, aviation, and vehicles on their approach to the hydrogen economy and how these fits into their wider net zero ambitions.

• Production and Projects - Learn from and meet the developers behind the large-scale projects aiming to reach $2.00 or under hydrogen.

• Infrastructure Requirements - Storing and transporting hydrogen over land and sea will require colossal investment and innovation. Learn the key challenges and solutions to develop hydrogen ready infrastructure.

• Financing the Hydrogen Economy - Discover how the hydrogen economy can capitalise on the green financing momentum and learn the off-take agreement models that will make projects bankable.

Receive your copy of the event brochure.

With thanks to our sponsors and partners: Chevron, GHD, Haldor Topsoe, Hydrogen TCP, PDC Machines, EthosEnergy, Howden, FirstMode, Compression Gas Association, Women in Green Hydrogen.

Best regards,

The Reuters Events Renewables Team

Reuters Events is part of Reuters News & Media Ltd, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ. Registered in England and Wales: 2505735.

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