
In New Zealand, beer begets biofuel

It's the kind of proposal that makes one smile the minute they hear it.
In New Zealand, beer begets biofuel

What if you could somehow take an imbiber's  love of beer and use to it to help save the world?

That's the notion behind an effort currently underway in New Zealand where DB Breweries and has launched a new biofuel in partnership with Gull, one of the nation's leading producers of biofuels.

Together they are making a 98-octane gasoline blended with ethanol that’s extracted from the yeast left over after beer is brewed.

Called Brewtroleum, the end result is described by both companies as the world’s first commercially-available biofuel made from a beer by-product.

As described in a mirthful video on DB Breweries' website, the process begins with DB Breweries distilling the yeast in-house and then shipping it to a Gull refinery, where the ethanol is extracted and refined before being blended with premium gasoline.

The result is E10, a blend consisting of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent premium unleaded gasoline.

The venture has so far produced just under 80,000 gallons of Brewtroleum and is currently test marketing it at some 60 gas stations across the North Island of New Zealand to determine both consumer demand and the feasibility of ongoing production.

For additional information:

DB Breweries

Tags: Biofuel , Fuel
Sofi Gray
The company calls it the “world’s first commercially available biofuel” derived from beer, and an Internet search seems to confirm the boast. However, researchers have long dreamed of manufacturing a suds-based fuel. The stuff produces a lot fewer greenhouse gases than petroleum. And making ethanol with fermentation waste is reportedly better for the planet than relying on standard production methods, such as growing vast fields of corn. The company calls it the “world’s first commercially available biofuel” derived from beer, and an Internet search seems to confirm the boast. However, researchers have long dreamed of manufacturing a suds-based fuel. The stuff produces a lot fewer greenhouse gases than petroleum. And making ethanol with fermentation waste is reportedly better for the planet than relying on standard production methods, such as growing vast fields of corn. click here if you want to find out more
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